
Verna came to me

early this morning;

I’ve never seen her

in the spirit world.

she was the best of friends

a wild girl

like me

but with a calm

outer demeanor.

she was always


for the


and big trouble

I would think up.

…going to parties,

hitching rides

from strange guys

staying out

all night—

getting stone drunk.

but she was all ways even—

and never unkind

although she often laughed

at my misfortunes:

a fall running from a dog—


and she was adventurous

and almost

as crazy

as me…

skipping school

and eating a big breakfast

at her sister’s,

going out to a psychedelic club

and dancing to the flickering lights;

and sundry other happenings.

so I was wondering

why the visit this morning?

and maybe i’ll

never know—

just to say


but it was good

to see her

and know

that we are still connected:



Linda Tauhid


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